404-800For Churches

We could not possibly carry out our work without the support and prayers of our local churches (of all denominations), that share one common bond - the Truth that human life is sacred from the moment of conception and worthy of all dignity, respect and protection.

Our faithful Church partners make all the difference in keeping our doors open and helping us serve God’s people, born and unborn. We couldn’t be more grateful!

Partnership with our local churches also increases our exposure enabling us to get the word out about our life saving ministry. We are here to serve, and the more people that know about us, the more women and families we can help, the more babies we can save.

How Your Church Can Partner With Our Ministry

  • Pray for the families we serve. Prayer is the foundation of our ministry. Please remember our babies, their families and our life saving mission in your daily prayers. It makes all of the difference in the lives of God’s people, born and unborn.
  • Sponsor A Baby Bottle Blessings Campaignvisit our Fundraisers page for further details

Help Us Build A Legacy Of Life

Your gifts save lives. For even greater impact, please consider our monthly electronic partnership, in addition to single gifts as the Lord leads.